47 research outputs found

    Химические элементы в воде объектов водопользования бывшего Семипалатинского испытательного полигона как фактор экологического воздействия

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    Изучен элементный состав вод объектов водопользования расположенных на территории бывшего Семипалатинского испытательного полигона. Содержание U, Mo и Sr в изученных водах имеют превышения над средним составом подземных вод зон гипергенеза и континентального засоления. Выделены химические показатели и элементы превышающие ПДК это минерализация, общая жесткость, сульфаты, натрий и уран.The elemental composition of the water of odjects of water use in the territory of the former Semey test site was studied. The content of U, Mo and Sr in the studied waters has an excess over the average composition of groundwater in the areas of hypergenesis and continental salinization. Chemical indices and elements above MPC are identified as mineralization, total hardness, sulfates, sodium and uranium

    Open data barometer - getting started survey tool quick start guide : version 1.03 1st July 2016

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    The Open Data Barometer is a way to measure how governments are publishing and using open data for accountability, innovation and social impact. Research data collection is carried out using an online survey tool. This guide provides an entry point for researchers in using the survey too

    ODB 4th edition regional report Caribbean

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    External financial and technical support continues to play a key role in fostering open data initiatives in the region. This regional snapshot covers five Caribbean countries: Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Saint Lucia and Haiti. The highest-ranking Caribbean country globally is Jamaica at number 40. It was the only Caribbean country to improve its score since the last Open Data Barometer (ODB). In countries that recently launched open data portals such as Jamaica and Dominican Republic, the absence of systematic processes to provide consistent updates resulted in incomplete data that quickly became out of date and irrelevant.Omidyar Network, Open Data for DevelopmentUnited Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID)Global Affairs Canada (GAC) (OD4D)World Ban

    Open data barometer 4th edition: research handbook - v1.0 10th June 2016

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    This guide introduces the assessment process of the Open Data Barometer, including information on the methodology, guidance on the sources that researchers can use, and how to cite them. The Open Data Barometer (ODB) is a global study that aims to uncover the true prevalence and impact of open government data initiatives. It provides detailed question-by-question scoring guidance and thresholds to be consulted while working through the research process. This assessment should focus on the update of the dataset itself and not on the metadata records associated with the data. The successful/ unsuccessful or inadequate search processes can indicate the status of information access and ongoing upkeep of “living” data.World BankUnited Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID)Global Affairs Canada (GAC

    Generation and Differentiation of Adult Tissue-Derived Human Thyroid Organoids

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    Total thyroidectomy as part of thyroid cancer treatment results in hypothyroidism requiring lifelong daily thyroid hormone replacement. Unbalanced hormone levels result in persistent complaints such as fatigue, constipation, and weight increase. Therefore, we aimed to investigate a patient-derived thyroid organoid model with the potential to regenerate the thyroid gland. Murine and human thyroidderived cells were cultured as organoids capable of self-renewal and which expressed proliferation and putative stem cell and thyroid characteristics, without a change in the expression of thyroid tumor-related genes. These organoids formed thyroid-tissue-resembling structures in culture. (Xeno-)transplantation of 600,000 dispersed organoid cells underneath the kidney capsule of a hypothyroid mouse model resulted in the generation of hormone-producing thyroid-resembling follicles. This study provides evidence that thyroid-lineagespecific cells can form organoids that are able to self-renew and differentiate into functional thyroid tissue. Subsequent (xeno-)transplantation of these thyroid organoids demonstrates a proof of principle for functional miniature gland formation

    HANDLEIDING VORMGEVING van DASHBOARDS met kwaliteitsinformatie

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    De doelstelling van het onderzoek luidde: het onderzoeken van een effectieve actiegerichte presentatie van ziekenhuisbrede kwaliteitsindicatoren op een executive dashboard voor de Raad van Bestuur (en haar ondersteuners), ten behoeve van signaleren, controleren, verantwoorden, dialoog voeren, verbeteren of benchmark vergelijking tussen ziekenhuizen. Het onderzoek bouwde voort op eerder uitgevoerd onderzoek in het programma Sturen op Kwaliteit en de daarin ontwikkelde indicatoren uit de deelprojecten

    Lack of DNA Damage Response at Low Radiation Doses in Adult Stem Cells Contributes to Organ Dysfunction

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    Purpose: Radiotherapy for head and neck cancer may result in serious side effects, such as hyposalivation, impairing the patient's quality of life. Modern radiotherapy techniques attempt to reduce the dose to salivary glands, which, however, results in low-dose irradiation of the tissue stem cells. Here we assess the low-dose sensitivity of tissue stem cells and the consequences for tissue function. Experimental Design: Postirradiation rat salivary gland secretory function was determined after pilocarpine induction. Murine and patient-derived salivary gland and thyroid gland organoids were irradiated and clonogenic survival was assessed. The DNA damage response (DDR) was analyzed in organoids and modulated using different radiation modalities, chemical inhibition, and genetic modification. Results: Relative low-dose irradiation to the high-density stem cell region of rat salivary gland disproportionally impaired function. Hyper-radiosensitivity at doses = 1 Gy, was observed in salivary gland and thyroid gland organoid cultures. DDR modulation resulted in diminished, or even abrogated, relative radioresistance. Furthermore, inhibition of the DDR protein ATM impaired DNA repair after 1 Gy, but not 0.25 Gy. Irradiation of patient-derived salivary gland organoid cells showed similar responses, whereas a single 1 Gy dose to salivary gland-derived stem cells resulted in greater survival than clinically relevant fractionated doses of 4 x 0.25 Gy. Conclusions: We show that murine and human glandular tissue stem cells exhibit a dose threshold in DDR activation, resulting in low-dose hyper-radiosensitivity, with clinical implications in radiotherapy treatment planning. Furthermore, our results from patient-derived organoids highlight the potential of organoids to study normal tissue responses to radiation. (C) 2018 AACR